Friday 8 March 2013

Is there hope in Hope City?

The reactions to Chris Brown’s performance at the Hope City concert on Tuesday, organized by Charterhouse who have denied that the artist smoked marijuana live on stage, are both funny and scary.

From the day we all heard the amount that was paid to the artist to the day he performed and made a mockery of Ghana by smoking and using vulgar language, some of our readers saw it as a clarion call for the security agencies to be more alive in their responsibilities, while others regarded it as a comical indictment of the organisers, who chose to speak out unwisely instead of hiding their faces in shame, see Charterhouse denies Chris Brown smoked “weed”.

It got funnier when the financier of the Hope City concert sent in this release STATEMENT: Rlg – Chris Brown smoked “an electronic cigarette”stating that the alleged marijuana was an electronic cigarette.

Why was Chris Brown invited to Ghana at all given his background of mal-handling the opposite sex? We must ask this question: if organisers thought that a person with such a questionable history was worthy of performing in front of thousands of Ghanaians, is there really hope in Hope City?”

In 2007 and 2012 in Sweden and Norway respectively, Snoop Dogg, a major hip hop artist, was been detained and fined for possessing marijuana. And what happened to Chris Brown when he lit his marijuana and smoked on stage In Ghana? He got off scot-free? Thus, the question is there ‘hope’ in Hope City?”

A warning must be sent to Chris Brown, through the organisers, that we shall not be cajoled by their flimsy excuses before bringing another law breaker to Ghana to pummel, trample and ridicule our culture all in the name of entertaining us. To be forewarned is to be forearmed!

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